Monday, October 16, 2000


A creative mind is a strange and wonderful thing. It gets its inspiration
and motivation from the most unlikely of sources. But when it is coupled
with a dream and an instinct, magic can happen.

Jim Henson did it. George Lucas did it. Walt Disney did it.

A creative mind does not let traditional inhibitors, such as time and money
distract them. It is like the mind of a child, constantly seeking challenges, constantly seeking answers. Pure. They see benefits in both tangible and intangible ways, and sometimes these cannot be seen by the naked eye until some time down the road. Why?

A true creative mind generates, and that energy comes from a source. That source is a vision. And the vision is never negative in nature. Vision is impossible to put a price tag on. It is something that allows the world to see and do things in a different light. It challenges perspectives, and constantly aims to do better.

Someone had a vision to fly. Someone cut his ear off in the pursuit of his

Creative thinkers can be brought down by office and sexual politics, lack
of support and growth etc. And there are always skeptics and realists who
use commandments, rules and logical equations to trap the creative mind.
Hoping to use it to their advantage, to hone it, to mould it the way they
want it. They want to have it without having to understand it, and more
importantly to respect it, and in doing so are killing the very thing they
want to harness.

Exploration of ideas are crucial to creative purists who are constantly
seeking that exacting moment of their own spiritual immortality. The
process always yields beauty, but the end result always brings in glory.

Successful people will repeat a single mantra: If you can dream it, you can
make it happen.

And when you do, the people who have put obstacles in your path suddenly become insignificant and those who assist become martyrs.

Just A Thought.....

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